Research Highlights

Brad Love

A neural network account of memory replay and knowledge consolidation
Barry, D.N., & Love, B.C.
2022, February 25

Learning as the unsupervised alignment of conceptual systems
Roads, B.D., & Love, B.C.
2020, January 17
Human-AI Interactions

Biased AI systems produce biased humans.
Glickman, M., & Sharot, T.
2022, November 15
Mental Health and Technology

Knowledge-Seeking Reflects and Shapes Well-Being.
Kelly, C. A., & Sharot, T.
2023, February 18
Human Concepts and Large-Scale Embeddings

Reassessing hierarchical correspondences between brain and deep networks through direct interface
Sexton. M.J., & Love, B.C.
2022, July 13
Social Media

Changing the Incentive Structure of Social Media Platforms to Halt the Spread of Misinformation.
Globig L., Holtz N., & Sharot, T.
2023, June 6
Computation and Consciousness

The mnemonic basis of subjective experience
Lau, H., Michel, M., LeDoux, J.E. et al.
2022, June 1

Awareness as inference in a higher-order state space
Fleming, S.M.
2020, March 11

Self-Evaluation of Decision-Making: A General Bayesian Framework for Metacognitive Computation
Fleming, S. M., & Daw, N. D.